P. Guard Module
Protect your chats.
P. Guard Module is a tool that adds an extra layer of security to your Telegram projects by creating a controlled entry point into private chats and channels. It helps prevent bots and scammers from infiltrating the group, allowing only trusted members to gain access.
How it works:
When working on a project, you may set up a chat or channel in Telegram where people can interact, ask questions and share information. This chat is open to anyone who has the link to it.
P. Guard Module allows you to set up a "portal" in these Telegram channels or chats. In essence, P. Guard Module acts as a gatekeeper. You can install P. Guard Module into both the chat and the channel. Once it’s set up, P. Guard Module will control who can join the chat.
The portal created by P. Guard Module works similarly to a verification system. When someone clicks the link to enter the channel, they won’t be able to just join directly. They will be prompted to complete a verification process (like clicking a button or passing a security check). This is similar to how some websites use a verification system, but instead of gaining access to a website the person gains access to a private Telegram chat.
P. Guard Module main purpose is to filter out unwanted users. This means it helps prevent bots, fake accounts, scammers or any malicious participants from joining your private chat. Only those who pass the verification process will be able to join the conversation, ensuring that your group stays secure.
Getting started is simple:
Just open Telegram and start the bot: @pyrateguardbot
Last updated